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Thursday, September 28, 2023



 This printout of my brain is un-retouched and shows marked progress in recovery from neurosurgeries conducted on it a few months ago. It shows no sign of brain-fog attendant to dementia but --according to my tiny garden friend, Darwin Doorbooger-- shows some sign of brain-frog. My hopping has improved.

                          [overhead Normascan of my brain]

This, of course, brings us to the "Drake Equation":  
In 1960 Astrophysicist Dr.Frank Drake started a project (named for another Frank --Frank Baum) called Ozma (after Ozma of Oz).  Dr. Blake's equation was the result of searching the entire observable universe with a radiotelescope 85 feet in diameter. Big scan.
Project Ozma examined everything in our galaxy for coherent radio emissions according to Drake's Equation, which is: 
              N= R*  (you can look it up --all I remember is N stands for "Number"). He then decided to report that odds against intelligent radio transmission in the universe was a million-millions to one, then later helped an even bigger telescope get funding and raised the result to a trillion-trillions. I can question his accuracy but not his politcking prowess.

In 1960 (and still), I would set my tripod and optical telescope up in the back yard and watch stars move across the field of its objective lens. I learned that all possibilities are assembled in the universe --you, me, planets, stars-- and I think of Marcus Aurelius who wrote: "Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars and see yourself running with them." 



  1. I am thrilled that there has been marked progress and seriously LOVE that Marcus Aurelius quote. Thank you.

    1. Glad you like the Aurelius quote, E.C.. Lights in night sky certainly expand our thoughts, and are content to do so forever.

  2. That's a lovely frog of a brain you have. Take care of it so it doesn't croak and keep hopping.


    1. Frog and I appreciate your compliment, Janie. I suspect your garden also includes the stars.

  3. Nothing wrong with a brain that can see a frog where others do not! Most excellent :D I'm very glad to hear your recovery is going well.

    And like Elephant's Child, who helped me understand the concept of beauty as therapy, I love that Marcus Aurelius quote as well. It gives me another source of beauty to ponder.

    1. O_Jenny, Glad you see yourself prefigured in Marcus"s quote. He must have had some notion we'd read it here, way-the-heck in the future.

  4. Your brain-frog is amazing. I now understand where some of your thoughts originate.

    1. Dear Emma, If I didn't listen to treefrogs, especially the one in my skull, I'd probably think they couldn't talk. But they do.

  5. I am very happy for you (and for all of us) that your recovery appears strong and good!!!!

    Brain-frog has me thinking you may be a hidden biologist at heart! :).


    1. Thanks Prof. I'm still a repair in progress. Not walking very far yet but progressing on my feet instead of end-over-end.

  6. I am so glad that things are improving.
    I will keep you in my good thoughts and prayers.

  7. Dear Margie, I'm most grateful.

  8. One of the things I have been doing in my prolonged online absence is staring at the night sky with my paltry human eyes, it still looks incredible. Your brain-frog is a fine sight too. Wishing you stars and moons and if the smart beings are out there surely they will let you know. xx

  9. Thanks Lisa, I am grateful that we share this universe and its tremendous operations.

  10. Late to the party, here. Appears to be good news, frogs and all. So glad. Cognition and all progressing? Keep well, my friend.

    1. Thanks Mike, I'm progressing slowly but surely --walking around outdoors and increasing distance each day. Brain is waking up apace.


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