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Monday, March 3, 2014

Conversation With Anonymous #1, A Repost

Before adjusting comment settings to admit only real people, I used to get all sorts of interesting messages from Anonymous. Anonymous was ubiquitous and busy hacking into stuff at the time and I was a little afraid of offending them, so I tried to be nice

Thursday, December 29, 2011

"We, Anonymous, just happen to be a group of people on the internet who outlet to do as we wish, that we wouldn't be able to do in regular society. We are doing it for the lulz (the joy of disrupting).'"
—Trent Peacock. The face of Anonymous, February 7, 2008.

The picture above is of a culture of moss found growing on a rail, here on this property, and I include it because it is the only subject upon which Anonymous has not yet ventured an opinion. This post deals with the general enigma of highly motivated personalities, compelled toward activism, who explain themselves at length but are not about to reveal themselves. They are rather like the moss in propagation, ubiquity and invisibly microscopic origin. Over a period of several months I assembled a dialog with Anonymous drawn from their frequent comments on my three blogs. Here is a very small sample:

Anonymous: " Depois de apenas postando apenas alguns links eu ganhei cerca de 100 mais vistas, e elas continuam chegando. Melhor do que eu recebi mais comentários de pessoas fora da comunidade Triond. Vimax, Vimax. VigRX Plus."

Geo.: Thanks for your comment on "Gooseboys In Mist" --a poem in "Gardening With Geo." I am happy you have 100 times the traffic on your unnamed site, if that's what you wanted, but I have written poetry  over 50 years and learned this: HARDLY ANYBODY READS POETRY. I don't write it because lots of people read it. I write it because it's what I do. Hope you don't mind my disarming your clickable blue product list --Triond. Vimax, Vimax and VigRX Plus-- as you seem to have neglected to do. It is my sincere hope they help you with your love life, but do see a urologist.

Anonymous: "Planujac aranzacje pomieszczenia w meble dla dzieci trzeba skupic uwage na kilka waznych rzeczy, ktore wynikna w przyszlosci w zwiazku z dojrzewaniem naszej pociechy...Przede wszystkim meble dzieciece powinny byc calkowicie bezpieczne. Budowa takich sprzetow powinna byc porzadna."

Geo.: Excuse my radical abridgement of your comment; I couldn't understand how Polish children could need reliable furniture for the dozen reasons you set out. The solution is self-evident. Build better desks. And how'd you get to Poland so quickly? I thought you were somewhere Portuguese-speaking. However, I do commend your insistence upon "decent construction", especially after your first comment which left some outstanding moral questions.

Anonymous: "Do you feel that Syria (is) spying on dissidents?"

Geo.: My dear boy, or girl, every country I've ever heard of spies on its dissidents and, although I know of no reason why they should, I also know of no reason why they should not. So of course they are! I do fail to see how your comment bears on the poem "Athanor" in "Invalid's Workshop", which really falls outside the parameters of this problem. However, I commend and thank you for writing in English this time --and yet, and yet, I feel a growing sense of anxiety from our correspondence.

Anonymous: "Most affordable and most powerful service for web traffic!!!! ...Your post will be published up to 100000 forums worldwide your blog will get instant increase in rankings just after few days your site will get targeted long term traffic from search engines. Order now!"

Geo.: Thanks for your timely and sympathetic reply! I feel better already, but somehow doubt the miracle you outline, my poetry skittering off in 100,000 directions at once --energetically, like a spilled truckload of apples-- is feasible, nor would it draw much reward if it did fease. Your recovery from stress over love, Polish furniture and Syrian surveillance is reward enough for me. Best of luck, Anonymous, in your many creative ventures. I recommend, if you wish to further your excellent cause, that you reveal at least three letters of your name. That's what I did and employment was easier to find.

Sincerely, Geo.


  1. Big smiles. And did the anonymous clan listen, or did they continue to play the non-sequitur game? I still get some visitors from the extended family but they are no where near as interesting as your visitors. Perhaps a reflection on the relative calibre of our posts.

    1. Since adjusting comments settings, I've not heard from Anonymous. Disappointing because my writing had little to do with it. Anonymous was so full of strange enthusiasms, I suspect it was more than one person!

  2. Anon, as I call him, finds my blog very interesting and wants to be my pal also. However, I have a rule of not corresponding with anyone whose name is longer than eight letters.

    1. Then I will definitely keep my named confined to 3 letters, Arleen.

  3. I disallowed anonymous comments last year and it really cut down on spam. I was grateful to Mr. Anonymous for his frequent visits, but I could have done without his spamminess.

    1. Wise Keith! But sometimes I miss being popular in countries that never heard of me --and vice versa.

  4. They've moved off to an unprotected site somewhere near you. Keep your guard up. They don't need much encouragement to come back.

  5. I cannot recall ever having had a comment from Anonymous. Maybe it's because by blog is too oblique and impenetrable. Surely not! Actually, I'm not sure whether my regular readers find it that penetrable.

    1. Tom, I suspect the last thing a spammer wants is a measured inquiry into existence.

  6. You deal with your Anonymous commenters with much humor. I just pop out my sharp, pointy, lethal velociraptor claws and map them into cyber-oblivion! Have a good one!

    1. Good method, but I always forget to retract my claws, which is hard on my keyboard.

  7. I used to receive a substantial number (whatever that is) of anonymous comments and an even more substantial amount of spam. Much like "Optimistic Existentialist", I now disallow anonymous comments. It not only eliminated spam,. it also eliminated several of my relatives, who used to comment anonymously.

    Perhaps this was an unwise decision, since the comments I receive are minimal, at best.....

    1. Hmmm, eliminating relatives. That's not always a good thing. Perhaps this Anonymous concept would reward further examination. I'm on it, Jon!

  8. Anonymous seems to leave his/her mark all over the blogosphere. It always amuses me that Anonymous surfaces whenever I post something "juicy" like writing about medical marijuana. Anonymous seems to always have an opinion, but lacks the backbone to have a face.

    1. Say, you're right! One needs a skull to support a face and without a spine there's no sense in a skull. More engimas.

  9. Haha! These are great. You sound a bit nostalgic for these dialogs. Maybe it's time to bring back Anonymous.

    1. Thanks, Kerry. Yes, maybe it's time to do just that.

  10. That Anonymous. Such a trickster. My anonymous claims to be Bruce Springsteen sometimes. He knows me so well.

    1. Mr. Springsteen's success has depended upon escaping anonymity, so we have a mystery, an enigma!

  11. Oh, they are annoying b******s when they wanna be these anons. I was receiving anonymous replies to my Sunday poetry group posts that were part insulting, part utter nonsensical crap. I disallowed anonymous comments for a couple of weeks and 'anon' disappeared. Then I reinstated 'anon' comments as my daughter and family sometimes leave me messages here (if they remember I'm alive, that is) from their Facebook and Vine sites whatever.........

    What silly 'anon' didn't know was that I had a traffic feed at the foot of my blog (where no-one usually scrolls right down to) and I traced anon's location against feed from a regular, happy-to-identify-themselves' location and it was precisely the same. I posted a short article on traffic feed without letting on my discovery. No bother since.

    The person is still on my blog list. I didn't confront them over this but silently forgave them. Some of the stuff was rather derogatory and only targeted at my poetry entries and not my other load of codswallop in between. Ah, Geo! Looks like we're just a couple of Anon-magnets!

    1. A clever ruse, and a kindly act of forgiveness! You repair the future. I am proud to be an Anon-magnet in such company.

  12. I've only gotten one Anonymous comment in the last five years, I think...and I'm pretty sure that one was from my mom. I keep forgetting to ask her. :) 'Anon' said they were stalking me so...I hope it was just my mom.

    1. I too hope it was your mom. But only one Anon comment in 5 years doesn't indicate a very serious stalker.

  13. Well, Geo, I've said this before and shall say it again, you have a great sense of humor.

  14. Ah, HA! I think I finally understand Mitt's comment about having a "binder full of women." Of course! They were all 2-D and anonymous... makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up, dude.

    1. And thank YOU. Romney's quip hadn't occurred to me yet, even in the post following this one. Adds a whole new dimension!

  15. I quite see your dilemma.

    --The Countess.

    1. Thank you Countess. I hope my reset of anonymous comments for this blog will permanently reestablish our communication. I've missed you.

    2. And so it goes, dear Suze.


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