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Monday, May 4, 2020

Brothers And The Permanent Jumps

(Yes, I am back to cat photos. This pandemic has revived some agitation in me and I had to go out and look at them. They are strangely and effortlessly calming --they invite imagination.)

I have been trying to write poetry lately. It usually gives me some escape from enforced social precaution and its surfeit of isolation. 

I believe I have just described the permanent jumps. I'd ask the government about it but they'd just tell me to mainline Lysol, so I won't.

However, I remember when we were kids, my brother and I would wrestle --he'd go easy on me as he was older, taller, bigger and stronger (still is!). This leads us to the introductory Normaphoto  available over this text.

What you see is two brothers, Tux and Hairy Tux. They are about do this:
Let's listen in:

Hairytux: Why is Uranus blue?

Tux: My what? Oh, U know, it's a thing in space with an atmosphere of water, methane, ammonia, helium and hydrogen. Under that influence, methane reflects only sunlight's blue wavelength into outer space. But just to make sure, I'll ask my vet.

Hairytux: What is the chief export of the Arctic?

Tux: Frozen fish, of course!
Tux: Hey, get off me or I'll call Geo.! 

Hairytux:He's too busy watching Nature reclaim his bathroom!

Tux: You seem to know so much. I am frightened!

Hairytux: Méfiez-vous de l'illusion de la connaissance!

Tux: Yes, yes! We are in accord.
Hairytux: Of course, dear brother. But hopefully we've helped Geo. stop sneaking up behind himself and yelling "BOO!"

Geo.: So far, so good. Anything for a treat, guys.


  1. You simply MUST stop sneaking up behind yourself and yelling "BOO". Do you have any idea how scary that is?

    1. Yes Emma, I do! I try not to do it very often but 10 years ago I woke up during open heart surgery and told my surgeon he was bridging the leads of my pacemaker, causing spasms in my left pectoral muscle. He was very concerned, gently corrected the problem and I resumed unconsciousness. No biggie, until a few years later when I started mentally yelling boo(!) to myself as part of waking up. I had to go see a therapist and she fixed me --but still, sometimes...oh who doesn't?

  2. You are a wise man, Monsieur Geo … smiles … Love, cat.

    1. Merci Amie, your smiles are my treasures and your love reciprocated.

  3. Tux and Hairy Tux certainly brought me a measure of calm - for which I thank them and you.

    1. Dear E.C., I will convey your thanks to the Tuxes by rubbing their tummies. If we have furnished some calm, we have succeeded in being useful.

  4. Hey Geo, I really got a kick (the good kind) out of your post! I've always adored cats and their mysterious ways (T.S. Eliot first got me hooked), so your clever words (and wife's wonderful photos) helped to remind me of a much happier time in my life, etc.

    I am still reading my favorite blogs, but rarely have the strength or courage to leave any comments: I scarcely know what I think or how to write anything about what I think - so I've chosen to remain silent.

    However, your recent post made me smile, so I decided to risk sounding like an idiot - just so I can thank you - and let you know that you and yours are often in my thoughts. Be careful and remain strong!


    P.S. Have you read Jon's most recent post? A bit cryptic for comfort. Do you think he is okay? I'm worried about him big time...

    1. Dear Dylan, thanks for your encouraging comment, which I've also relayed to the photographer. If I have brought you a smile, it is my pleasure and privilege. And yes, I was taken somewhat aback by Jon's post and sent a comment to his next-latest post --May 2nd-- because his too "cryptic for comfort"--May 4th post-- accepts no reader input. I let him know it would inconvenience me if he left this dimension. As you too are worried, I can only recommend you do the same. Take care,Dylan. You're important to me.

  5. Delightful conversation! And delightful photos :) Those cats are handsome (and clever)!

    1. 0_Jenny, yes they are clever cats, but I suspect they like it better when I call them "pretty kitties". Handsome and clever as they are, they respond more vigorously to "Pretty Kitties" --understandable. Even I need to feel pretty sometimes.

  6. Sounds like you are suffering from what my Mom would have called "a case of the weeping wibbly wobblies". There are things that help with this......cats of course, ice cream, chocolate, alcohol in moderation, binge watching TV and, most importantly, avoiding any news programs featuring politicians.

    1. Dear Delores, "Weeping Wibbly Wobblies" --your mother outdid lesser diagnosticians. When harpies scream at the windows and furies swirl in the attic I am little-disturbed. But when politicians part their tailored jackets, unfurl leathery wings and hector my news, I get at least "wibbley". I shall take your recommendations seriously! Thanks!

  7. Ah, Geo., so good to see you posting again. I've missed your whimsical thoughts. The two gatos (or gatas, I've forgotten) are most entertaining in their play-fighting. Watching them without yelling "boo" is a great way to relax the mind. Stay well, amigo. (I'm overcome by the date!)

    1. Ah the date, important yes, but what of tomorrow? Dear Bruce, you send me back to a childhood language: Los gatos and Las Gatas both translate as "the Cats", plural of gato & gata, which could indicate cat-gender. I dunno, but suspect adding 's'es  conveys plurality. This is, of course Cinco de Mayo, but tomorrow is Sexto de Mayo ( = Día de la resaca) and is much quieter.

  8. Hairy Tux and Tux keep your life interesting and give you a measure of calm. Probably they are also entertaining.

    Keep well. Keep calm.

    1. Dear Susan, they are indeed entertaining. They're also calm unless I'm carrying a can of tuna. Strangely that seldom excites other humans.

  9. Tux and Hairy Tux are good for us. Thanks for sharing their whimsey and fun.
    All of us can probably stand a few more smiles, these days.

    1. Dear Tom, if this post evoked a smile I am honored. I have to get a little silly to write these days and cats are reliable examples of silly.

  10. Replies
    1. Our cats are at your service --they claim to psychically project global calm and peace. Possibly an empty boast, but still, they are among the best of fur-bearing liquids.

  11. As chaotic and scary as the big bad world may be, cats... and nature, in general... continue as before, steadfastly reassuring us that life goes on. Take a heap of slow deep breaths and smile at their play-fighting. Take care of yourself, dude. (And dudette.)

    1. Dear Susan, your own steadfastness amazes me. We will do as you recommend --but you must take care too. Deal?

  12. Well, dear Geo and Dylan - Jon is still here, but I have to keep biting my fingers to convince myself I'm still alive.
    What would life be without our furry felines?
    My cats are a never-ending source of entertainment...and often give me a reason to stay among the living.

    1. Jon, I'm glad you're here. So's Dylan. So are the cats --ours just run frantically up to ignore me and I affectionately ignore them back. Then I grab them up and rub their tummies. It's like the old Dylan song,"We're idiots, Babe, it's a wonder we can even feed ourselves!" Don't bite your fingers, just keep observing, experiencing, sharing. Universe is teaching itself to itself and so to all of us. Even absurdity is well-worth the trip. Wheeeeee!

  13. I love your pretty kitties, Geo! They remind me that there is a lot that's normal in the world, even if it seems crazy right now. I always enjoy Norma's photos, and these are darling. Right now I'm rather distracted by those peanut butter kisses in your sidebar. I dearly love peanut butter kisses, but I've resisted baking them so far. I too have put on weight. If I'm doomed to get Covid-19, then why I'm I wasting my tastebuds on broccoli and Brussels sprouts? Give me yummy goodies! If those cookies are a Norma production, and they taste as good as they look, you are a lucky guy! Scarier than sneaking up behind yourself and yelling "Boo!" is the thought that you regained consciousness during heart surgery. I can't even imagine! All the best to you and Norma, and please give a belly rub to all the pretty kitties for me!

    1. Dear Louise, thank you on behalf of Norma and our pretty kitties. Yes it is inadvisable to wake during anesthesia, but the discomfort of receiving electric shocks where they shouldn't be triggered something in me that woke up and alerted the surgeon. Humans are full of surprising responses. It was ok.

  14. Oops! I just realized that those cookies in the sidebar were a photo from someone else's blog. The sight of them was so mesmerizing that I didn't read the text! LOL

    1. Indeed, they are examples of culinary art accomplished in shelter by mio caro consiglere --at, --and should be visited. You will find a very pleasant lady there.

  15. My dog is not nearly as articulate. She has two questions (when do I eat and when do we go for a ride) and two commands (Food and I've gotta go)

    1. Oh Jeff, I'm getting down to the same two commands. Do dogs just start out thinking like geezers?

  16. Dear Geo., to see your sweet cats make me long to have some too - till now I thought: "Can't" because I travel so much --- but these days---mmmh, might think about it again.
    Loved your text, and am in the World Wide Web again to read it and answer - find at least some freedom in the air.
    As the swallows - they came back to Berlin. two days ago!

    1. Dear Britta, after all the children grew up and left to pursue their lives, we stopped renewing our cat-population. But now, I am so happy to have a bunch of them deposited here by chance (or fate) and become our gentle friends and stabilizers. Swallows have returned here too, as Norma unfortunately discovered while hosing down the eaves.


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